Memories Page 8

Hello Marcela:

My name is Ken Johnson, and I graduated from Troy High School (Fullerton,CA) in 1969. In fact, I was the student body president of my school in1969.

Off the top of my head, I can share a few memories:

Rock Bands: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young; Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Janice Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, and the Beach Boys come to mind.

Political comments: lot's of unrest with students, primarily over the Vietnam War (which was raging in 1969, and expanding into Cambodia). Every male at the age of 18 was required to register with the Selective Service (by picking up a form at any US Post Office) and registering for the draft. Most all of my senior classmates turned 18 during 1969, and any classmates who were not college bound, would most likely be drafted into the military. I attended a university as a full time student after high school graduation, so I received a "2-S" military deferment. The 2-S classification meant that I was deferred from the draft for 4 years (maximum), as long as I remained a full time college student. As you know, the draft was discontinued in 1973, as the USA pulled out of Vietnam. I never was required to serve in the military.

Clothes: yes...bell bottoms were popular, as well as Madras shirts and Hang10 shirts (at least in California.) Surfing was also an important part of our student culture in California.

Drugs: unfortunately, drugs became popular in the late 60's. We all knew who used drugs, and there were always rumors of "Narks" on campus (undercover police looking for drugs). Marijuana was particularly popular, and some students graduated to LSD. I am very blessed by God that I didn't get caught up in that sub-culture. Drugs ruined the lives of many.

Cars: VW "bugs" were popular, and surf vans. Other (male) students were into 'muscle cars' like Z-28 Camaro, Pontiac GTO's, and Shelby Mustangs. Gasoline prices were considered high if they exceeded $0.25 per gallon!

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